iokwe Baamle!!
wow, I can't believe that it is P day already! this week went by really fast, I really don't even know where it went. It's kind of interesting how Heavenly Father he allows you to have trials, expects you to be faithful, and if you are then he gives you blessings.
I definitely know that this is Heavenly Father's work and we are all his instruments. I've also been thinking about how wonderful this restored gospel is! it's so amazing that we have the knowledge that Christ went through the atonement for us and that he lives for us! There is a great bible video on called "he is risen" (here is a link for it ) that we've been sharing with people lately, as well as a scripture in mormon 7:5-7. One part that I really like about the video that I was thinking about the other day, is when Christ finds Mary weeping in the tomb he asks her "why weepest thou?". We have the restored gospel! we have the knowledge that Christ is risen for us! that is happy news!!
So this week we had exchanges with our Zone leaders as well as with the marshallese elders. We had a pretty slow week for teaching, because everyone kept cancelling or we could get a hold of anyone. So pretty much all week long we walked around and tried to contact people and just talked to people. on exchanges we were blessed with finding a bunch of new potential investigators, so we'll be looking for a bunch of new investigators this week.
Oh, we were able to meet with Mary, an investigator that we've been working with for awhile. She is very strongly catholic, but she loves meeting with us. She also has been reading the book of Mormon, so that is really great! it's been really awesome to see the change in her the past couple of weeks as she's been reading more. she has also stopped smoking for almost 2 weeks now, which is really great!!
Yesterday though we were really blessed. we had a great lesson with some members with an investigator that the sisters in our ward are working with, so that was really great! and then last night, we went to try this potential and we had a great lesson with her and her boyfriend. Ebony used to meet with missionaries back in 2012, and her boyfriend Quincy has talk with them as well a little bit. they both really like to learn and they are really great! Quincy I know really felt the spirit he was asking a lot of great questions and when we went over the first vision you could see the spirit working on him. When we asked them if they would be baptized, Ebony was really hesitant, but Quincy said that he would. He said that if he knew that it was true and that God wanted him to to it, then he would definitely get baptized.
The Holy Ghost is really amazing! E Kay and I have been talking about him a lot. about His role in conversion, how we feel his influence and just how important he is as a member of the Godhead. People feel the holy ghost all of the time, elder Bednar talks about the Holy Ghost in a couple of mormon messages that I really like called "patterns of light".
Yesterday in church we talked about the how important the sacrament is and how we need to realize the significance of partaking of the sacrament. the sacrament is a sacred ordinance where we renew our own covenants with Heavenly father. I am so glad that we can go to church every
sunday and take the sacrament, repent and try to do better.
I this gospel so much!! I know that it is true, that Christ is our savior and that he lives for us. I know that the Book of Mormon changes people, and that there is a spirit about it, because it is true! thank you so much for you love, support, and prayers. I love you all so much!!
ij iokwe eok!!
Elder Broadbent
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