Monday, May 7, 2012

May 7, 2012

Hello Family!

Thank you for sharing your Sunday learnings-I remember Kris and Cari
saying they missed that-and I'd have to agree! Sis. Bailey made me
translate for the senior couple in our branch-it
was...interesting-good thing it was only fast Sunday so I didn't need
to know quite as much vocabulary. It was good though-made my head hurt
a little, but it was good-I'm looking forward to doing it
again....looking for improvement.

The weather here is funny-it's really warm, we get rain, it cools off
a bit, then it gets really warm again.

I can't believe Sean is home-I knew he was coming home, but it's just
so weird!  Be sure to give him a hug for me. (Maybe I am becoming more
huggy....)  And when you visit Zona, be sure to give her a hug to.
That must be hard for the Bigalow's-what a blessing to have the
comfort and peace of the gospel.  Knowing that they are an eternal
family, and knowing the plan of Salvation.  It is so magnificent.
Everyone here is planting all of their gardens too-I was telling Sis.
Bailey all hte stuff we normally grow.  Everyone here raves about the
apricots and peaches-I'm excited to try them, since I think we have
such delcious ones from our trees.  Speaking of apricots-yesterday at
one of our investigators houses, we ate apricots from the tree-just
the little green, not even close to being ripe.  It was...different,
but pretty good.  Maybe you all could try it :)  I'm not sure how
expensive it is to go to the temple-maybe 300 or 400 american dollars.
 The sisters got back yesterday-they were both glowing.  I think our
little tatik that went was a little scared or maybe confused about
it-they do the sessions in Russian and she doesn't speak much russian,
but the other sister was absolutely pumped about it.

This week was a miracle.  I don't know if I've told you, but it had
been over a month since this area had any new investigators, so we set
some goals and started working for them.  We ended up getting a
referral from one of our members-we did introductions and explained
our purpose as missionaries with the member-and then we met with her 2
other times this past week-she's such a doll!  She had been a
Jehovah's Witness, but afew months ago didn't feel like it was true,
so she stopped going and started looking elsewhere.  She has so much
energy!  She's reading daily from the Book of Mormon and she came to
church with us-she feels so ready!    Then Friday, Sis. Bailey and I
were walking around-trying to get some street contacts, but there
wasn't anyone around.  We stopped to pray, then started on our way.
We came to this man sitting on the side of the road-stopped to chat,
and he invited us in.  We were really hesitant, but after he assured
us that his wife and daughter were home, we agreed to go in.  We sat
and talked to them about different things, cleared up some
misconceptions, got to know them, etc., and set a time to go back.
The mom and daughter both seem very interested.  So we went back
yesterday after church and taught about the Restoration.  We ended up
having 4 of their neighbors join us-and it was so good!  We'll see
where it goes!  We're praying for them.  It was so amazing though!  To
have so many tender mercies-and to have the guidance of the spirit.
Truly magnificent.  I am continually amazed by the effect the gospel
has on people-even a small truth-the way it strengthens them and
softens their hearts.  So magnificent!
Thank you so much for all of your prayers!  i can't begin to thank you
or tell you how it helps!  We didn't get a chance to meet with the
family that moved from Russia-we're hoping to this week.  I'll let you
know how it goes.

Congratulations to Dad and his new calling!  (Doug is the newest High Councilman over Young Men and Scouts) That'll be so great!

K-so we are doing skype for Mother's day.

I don't have much more time-so I love you all!  I hope your week goes
great!  I can't begin to express how grateful I am for your strength
and testimony!  I feel so blessed to be apart of such a wonderful
family!  This really is Christ's church!

Love, Sis. Broadbent

Ps.-I'll talk to you on Saturday :)

2 Nephi 10:23-25

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