Monday, August 27, 2012

Mary's mission letter Aug 27, 2012

Hello Family!

That is so exciting for Brian and Becky!  What a neat opportunity! And
a blessing for them!  It sounds like the kids are all geared up!
School starts next week here, so everywhere we walk there are
backpacks hanging and stand with notebooks, pens, pencils, etc.  It's
so funny the difference though-because I know in there, if you walked
into a store, it would be evident that school is starting, but here,
just walking down the street it's evident-I love our little outdoor
markets!  What a neat opportunity for Josh, to be able to serve as
counselor in the Elder's Quorom-that is fantastic-and he'll do great!
I'm glad that Dad is healing up nicely-is he starting to get feeling
back in his fingers then or can he not tell because of the pain?

I know last week I said Anik was getting baptized-and she still
is-however, we changed it almost right after I wrote you last week-the
branch had some things going on this week and so did Anik-so we
decided, along with Anik, that this Saturday would work better.  So
she'll be baptized this Saturday.  We are SO excited for her! She is
so ready! She met with Pres. Carter last week and said a prayer with
all of us-he is so funny and told her that she already prays like a
Mormon.  We all just laughed, but she didn't really get it.  It's kind
of weird, because they always show things on the TV about "The
Mormons"-it's always stuff that's not good and not true-so people get
pretty freaked when they see the Book of Mormon or when they recognize
us as Mormons.  In general there are 3 categories of people-the people
who don't know anything about us, and haven't even heard anything on
the TV (Anik...), the people who have heard about us-good and bad-and
don't really care either way, and the people who believe what they
hear from the TV and think we are the most terrible people.  It's
always interesting, because we can usually tell when something new has
been shown on the TV, because people tend to be more stiff towards us.
 I am so grateful that no matter what everyone else says-I know this
really is the Lord's church, that we are doing His work, and that He
has prepared people to listen to and accept this gospel.  I am
continually amazed at how the Lord pours out His blessings on us!

I studied a bit about repentance this last week and have thought a lot
about receiving forgiveness.  I'm not sure I've ever understood or
felt so strongly the power of forgiveness that I felt this last week.
Wow. I know now, more than ever, that Jesus Christ truly is our
Savior; my Savior. That He really did suffer for US-but if we really
want to taste of all that He offers us, we too have to do our part.
And as we sincerely repent, with a broken heart and contrite spirit,
then He cleanses us and we are filled with the peace and joy that only
He can give us.
Anik and her granddaughter came to church again yesterday and we are
working with her family, we want them to feel all she has felt and
experienced. We also have a new family we are teaching from a little
city about 20 minutes from here-Giannae and her 2 kids.  They are so
great!  They came to church together yesterday and seemed to really
enjoy it.  Giannae she is filled with so much faith and has already
immersed herself in reading the Book of Mormon. We're excited to see
them grow in the gospel.

With Anik's baptism so close, I've thought a lot about our baptismal
covenants and how every Sunday we have the opportunity to partake of
the sacrament, renew our covenants, and be cleansed again.  Wow! It's
like baptism every week, so long as we have properly prepared for it.
Will you all read D&C 20:37 and see if you too qualify for baptism?  I
heard once that if every week we qualify for baptism, we can be sure
that the promise of a remission of sins and always having the Spirit
with us, will be ours.  The Lord is so merciful and good to us!

I hope you all have a great week!  I love you!  Good luck as school
starts! I hope good routines start and are formed quickly!

I love you all!  Hugs all around!

Metz sirov,

Sis. Broadbent

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