Monday, August 6, 2012

Mary's Mission Aug 6, 2012

Barev marev family!
I'm so grateful that everything is going well and that last week was a
mistake and not that something had happened.  I can't believe that
school starts so soon!  Sis. Tolman and I were just talking this
morning about how when we think of August we always think of school
starting.  It's even harder to believe that Beth and Joe and getting
so big! 9th and 6th grade! Wow!  
  Anik is the older woman in the picture-Mary,
the younger one, is her daughter in law, she always partcipates, but
because of the baby she doesn't come to church, so we're focusing on
Anik right now.
This week has been a crazy week! But so good!  Last Tuesday we
received a mini missionary-Arminae-she's a member from Charanzlavan
(?).  She is adorible and is getting ready to serve her mission in
England-so this is kind of a last practice before she goes.  Pres.
Carter wants to make sure she is really ready, because sometimes the
missionaries from Armenia really struggle as missionaries.  Before
anyone in Armenia can even submit mission papers they have to serve a
mini mission, to kind of get a feel for what it will be like, and I
guess to prove that they are serious about going on a mission and can
really handle it.  She leaves in less than a month, so Pres. Carter
also gave us the task of helping her buy everything for her mission.
We spent a whole day last week and will have another full day this
week of just shopping.  Despite my "love of shopping" we had a pretty
great time-I'll be grateful when we finish this week!   Arminae is so
cute-she is SO little!  So short and just petite!  I'll try to send
pictures next week. She has such a gentle nature and it's so neat to
see her interact with everyone-she loves her people so much!  I feel
like I'm learning so much from her-about the language, the culture,
and interacting with people.
Anik came to church this week! We were SO happy! We decided she needed
to come on her own, instead of us arranging to pick her up and going
with her. She wasn't there when church started and we were so
disappointed, but she ended up coming a few minutes late and she
really enjoyed the day! We couldn't stop smiling when we saw her!  I
feel like it was a pretty big step for her and I was just SO happy!
We really do find our joy in the work and in bringing others to
We had the best Branch Activity this week-we went up to this little
place in the mountains about 20 minutes away-it was shady and
beautiful!  It was kind of a resort thing-and I felt like it would be
something we would have in America-it was GORGEOUS! And so nice to
sit, rest, and play with our members.  It was fun to get to know them
all more.  We had the most delicious BBQ-it's funny how cooking
everything in nature gives it such a great flavor-it kind of reminded
me of shik-ka-bobbing-because they put potatoes, onions, and meat on
skewer things, but they are way bigger than ours.  I'll send pictures.
We had the most amazing experience with a member of our branch-Virab-I
think I've told you a little about him already.  His health hasn't
been very good lately and when we went to visit last week, it was
really bad.  He is always struggling to breathe and it's just not
good.  Anyway-we decided to talk about D&C 25:12 and about how singing
is really like praying and is the perfect way to express feelings, as
well as to invite the spirit.  We sang "I Need Thee Every Hour" to
him.  As soon as we started singing, Virab joined in, with his raspy
voice, but he was singing with as much gusto as he could muster.  By
the time we got to the first chorus, Sis. Tolman and I were both
crying-the spirit was just so strong!  And I love him so much!  It was
such an amazing and spiritual experience!  I can't describe to you how
it felt, but just writing about it makes me want to cry again.
Other than that, this week I've been thinking about the temple-I feel
so blessed to have been able to go as often as I was able to, and I
miss the temple so much!  I hope you are all taking advantage of
having a temple as close as you do!  Especially because I know how you
all understand the importance of the temple.  Here's a little thought
from Sis. Silvia Allred "Temple covenants and ordinances are powerful
symbols of Christ and His Atonement.  We all received the same
instruction, but our understanding of the meaning of the ordinances
and covenatns will increase as we return to the temple often with the
attitude of learning and contemplating the eternal truths taught."
Will you all find a time with in the next couple of weeks where you
can go to the temple and just relish in the spirit that is found in
the temple?  Will you think more of the covenants you've made?  After
all "Temples are a source of spiritual power and strength...a place of
revelation...the House of the Lord"

I love you all!  I hope this week goes well-that you enjoy
it-especially as school is getting ready to start.

Metz sirov,

Sis. Broadbent

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